Look forward to this year’s ultimate scouting experience


At Jamboree Denmark 2026 you will meet scouts from your neighboring group, from all over Denmark and from abroad while doing what you love on a scale you never thought possible. With activities tailored to your age group, we promise you nine unforgettable days full of new friendships and fun scouting activities.

Why you should join

  • Do you think it is fun to go on a nine-day trip with your scout group?
  • Do you find it fun to meet peers with the same interests as you?
  • Do you enjoy being challenged? And overcoming yourself by doing things you didn’t think you could?
  • Do you like the idea of thousands of scouts standing together and singing together?
  • Do you think it’s more fun to experience things yourself than to be told about them by others?

If you can answer yes to any of the above questions, then Jamboree Denmark 2026 is definitely for you!

Guaranteed to be a great experience

Since the start of 2024, hundreds of Scout leaders have dedicated their free evenings to create nine top-notch days of adventure, challenge, fun and excitement for you and your Scout friends. Nine days that will create a community and provide experiences for life.

We are developing over 300 different activities for scouts of all ages and building a stage where we can gather 30,000 scouts for the biggest opening bonfire and sing-along in the Nordic region. Concerts will be held every night and you’re guaranteed to win and lose various competitions with your fellow scouts.

In other words, you won’t be bored, but you probably didn’t expect to be. We’re already looking forward to it, although we’ll probably be a little busy getting everything running smoothly when we welcome you and thousands of other scouts to Jamboree Denmark 2026

The largest nordic Jamboree

Scouts from all over the world come to Jamboree Denmark 2026 In 2022, almost 5,000 international scouts participated with 147 scout groups from 52 countries. There will be plenty of opportunities to learn about scouting in other countries, and you can also make an international friendship group and share your camp with them. In addition, around 1,000 different scout groups attend the camp and there are plenty of opportunities to get to know the scout group from the next town or compete against other scouts your age. It’s up to you and your patrol to decide what you want to do.

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What is the purpose of Jamboree Denmark 2026?

Besides giving you nine unforgettable days, we want you to have been challenged and developed as a person and a scout. We also want you and your group, and hopefully together with scouts you didn’t already know, to have experienced that we can do more when we pull together. And finally, at Jamboree Denmark 2026 we must take responsibility, both individually and together, for the world we are a part of. That’s exactly what Denmark’s strongest community is all about. Not just when we meet in Hedeland in the summer of 2026, but also before and after the camp.