You are part of creating a unique jamboree experience for 30.000 kids and youth – thank you!

Scout and guide leader

Scout leaders do not only help give kids and youth and amazing scouting experience they will remember for life. You can also experience the jamboree with old and new friends, gain new skills and feel connected to everyone in our jamboree community.

Thank you for joining Jamboree Denmark 2026 as a guide or scout leader. We are aware that it is not an easy task to go abroad. We promise to do our very best to provide a good framework, so that we can all have a great jamboree experience.

On this page you will find practical information and it will be updated continously. If you have any further questions, then please go to our FAQ-side or contact, where our talented volunteers will help you.

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What are my tasks as a scout leader prior to the jamboree?

Our vision for Jamboree Denmark 2026 is based on our tagline “connect and include” where we want to create a community for everyone and that we all together are a part of creating the jamboree.

We encourage that you and your group prepare for the jamboree by envisoning your campsite and consider how the tagline “connect and include” can be implemented by your group. You can also test the recipies developed, which we hope to have ready during summer 2025.

We will also make the “food-for-thought” reflection material availiable prior to the jamboree.

Given criteria did not yield any results.

Information packages

As usual we will publish and send four information packages targeted at scout leaders prior to the jamboree. They will contain information releveant for you and your group as participants. We aim to publish the first package at the end of April 2025. The following packages are planned for September 2025, February 2026 and May 2026

The campsite for the Jamboree

For the first time, we will be revisiting a prior campsite, as we will return to Hedeland Naturpark, which hosted Jamboree Denmark 2022. The site will not be a copy of the last jamboree, as the the gravel excavation of the site is ongoing. But there will still be four subcamps, but their location and names have changed.

The names of the subcamps are Skoven (the forrest), Byen (the city), Landet (the countryside) and Havet (the sea). The international groups can be hosted by local friendship groups.

Practical information about camplife

The campsites are a temporary home for the groups at Jamboree Denmark 2026. You can plan your campsite as it fits best for you and this is where you will prepare food for your group during the week.

To ensure that the jamboree lives up to official safety regulation, there will be guidelines for larger structures. They can be found on this page once they are ready.

Food at the jamboree

The executive commitee for the jamboree have decided to follow the official dietary the official dietary guidelines and the food at the jamboree will primarily be vegetarian. This means that for breakfast and dinner the provided food will be vegetarian, whereas the lunch has an option to add on meat products (not lamb and beef due to climate concerns). This decision also extends to foodtrucks and the jamboree shop.

Find more information about the decision (in danish) here

When you register you group you can inform us of any special requirements and allergies that need to be accommodated. The food will be handed out from the subcamp squares

Transport to (and from) the camp

You and your group are responsible for transport to the jamboree, but contact the information center if you have questions.

It is possible to arrive before the jamboree to set up your campsite. More information will follow later.

Do you want to volunteer in addition to acting as a scout leader

If you are participating in the jamboree with your group it is possible to also help out as a volunteer. Contact if you are curious and want to learn more.

When does the registration open?

It has not been decided when the sign up for Jamboree Denmark 2026 opens or what the exact price will be. We hope to open for sign up at the end of 2025 and there might be a discount for early sign up.

When can we expect the overview of activities offered?

The around 300 activities at Jamboree Denmark 2026 can be viewed in an online catalog from the beginning of 2026